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    Electric energy storage will participate in the peaking auxiliary work of the power grid in the "Three North" region

    Joca 2018-10-22 2823hit return

    Shanghai Kaikai Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise in Shanghai. It is committed to the R&D, production and sales of wire and cable. It is one of the most professional manufacturers of weak electric cables and special cables in China. Automated cable production line and today's state-of-the-art testing and inspection equipment, as well as large laboratories for cable safety testing and applications.

    [Cable Network News] Recently, the Energy Bureau issued the Notice of the National Energy Administration on Promoting the Participation of Electricity Storage in the Peaking Auxiliary Service of the ¡°Three North¡± Area (Draft for Comment), encouraging the generation of electricity storage and electricity sales enterprises to invest in the construction of electric storage. Energy facilities, and participate in the power generation side peaking service market; encourage local planning of centralized new energy power generation bases, configure appropriate scale of electric energy storage facilities; encourage the construction of distributed energy storage facilities on the user side and participate as a demand side resource Service market transactions, and emphasize the scientific dispatch of operating electrical energy storage facilities, monitoring and recording by the power dispatching agency to implement the state of charge and discharge.

    Energy storage is the necessary peaking method to solve the problem of new energy grid connection. The 10MW*4H energy storage system is in line with practical applications. The problem of new energy grid connection in the ¡°Three North¡± region has become more and more serious. It is impossible to achieve full netbooks only by policy requirements. The core of solving the problem of Internet access is the size of the peaking capacity in the area. Therefore, the NDRC issued a document stating that ¡°playing the role of electricity storage in peak shaving¡± is targeted. As an important means of peak shaving, energy storage facilities are of great significance for the solution of new energy grid-connected problems. However, considering the current limited capacity of energy storage equipment in China, the charging power is 10 MW and the charging time is 4 hours, which is in line with the actual situation. At present, large-scale energy storage batteries are involved in peak shaving, and 10MW*4 hours energy storage systems should be connected to the 10 kV/35 kV side.

    Many parties participated in the construction of energy storage facilities and realized revenue through peaking services. The Notice encourages multiple parties to build energy storage equipment. We understand: First, encourage new energy power plants, allocate energy storage equipment, stabilize fluctuations, and achieve consumption; second, thermal power, through energy storage facilities, cut peaks and fill valleys, realize revenue through peak and valley electricity prices; and reduce costs; It is the user side, through the construction of distributed energy storage facilities, assisting the power grid to ¡°cut the peaks and fill the valley¡±, absorb the new energy and earn the difference between the peak and the valley; the fourth is to sell the electricity company, undertake the power grid and users, and build energy storage facilities. To improve profitability.

    The electricity reform was promoted in a timely manner, the distribution network was gradually opened, and the profit model began to appear. User storage energy as the demand side participates in peak shaving, which means that the user will use the surplus power to send to the distribution network, which is equivalent to selling electricity to the grid. The Notice established that the feasibility and legitimacy of this model is another measure in the advancement of power reform, indicating that the power grid is gradually opening up, and power generation terminals, power sales companies, and users will all appear more in the deepening of power reform. Profit model.

    In the auxiliary service market transactions, the income from energy storage facilities can be guaranteed. At present, China's power market does not have a complete auxiliary service transaction, and it is only completed by the auxiliary service compensation mechanism. We believe that the ¡°peak-sharing assistance service¡± and ¡°participation in peak-adjustment auxiliary service market transactions¡± mentioned in the ¡°Notice¡± are in line with the ¡°Auxiliary Service Market¡± proposed by the No. 9 document of the Electric Power Reform, and participate in peak-shaving assistance through energy storage facilities. The service will promote the deepening of China's power reform, and the construction and improvement of the auxiliary service market will contribute to the development of the entire industry.
